Use precise, vivid language

Using precise, vivid language strengthens and clarifies your writing. It helps readers visualize your ideas and prevents the confusion that can arise from vague descriptions.

Consider the following examples:

Vague: This pizza is gross.
Specific: This pizza tastes like a year-old, microwaved waffle slathered in crusty ketchup and globs of Cheez Whiz.

Vague: The kids expressed happiness when they found out they were getting a snow day.
Specific: The kids squealed and jumped up and down when they found out they were getting a snow day.

Vague: The Lenovo ThinkPad is too big.
Specific: The Lenovo ThinkPad is 15 inches wide and 2 inches thick; it was so bulky that it didn’t even fit in an average-size backpack.


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